16th May 2012

CUGD Olive Oil Tasting with “The Gift of Oil”


Phil Bianchi from The Gift of Oil Ltd will guide us through all there is to know about olive oil.

This will be an evening packed full of information about oil production, cooking hints and tips as well as a bit of olive oil history. Best of all, you’ll be able to taste a generous array of oils. Here’s what we have in store:

Four single estate extra virgin olive oils (Sicilian, Puglian, Alentejan and Messenian) including fresh new season oils and last years too - enabling us to compare and contrast the fresh and the old and so note how the taste changes over the course of a year and the reasons why.

We will also compare the fresh oils to some of those brands that can be commonly found in the supermarkets highlighting the big difference in quality and taste!

What’s more, Phil will bring a selection of infused extra virgin olive oils (lemon, basil, chilli, garlic, truffle, lime and mandarin)


Where: Lower Hall at The Centre, St Pauls, Hills Road

When: Wednesday 16th May 2012, 7:30-9:00pm

Price: £12 per person. Booking is essential.

Booking: Please email Chiara ( to reserve a place (guests are welcome). Payment information will then be provided.

***This event is open to both university and non-university members***

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